We hosted back-to-back special sessions at the 2023 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Meeting in Denver, Colorado. The sessions are part of the Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions and the GeoEthics Curated Track

  • Title: AAG 2023 Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions: Reproducibility and Replicability in the Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences I and II
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Location: Centennial Ballroom H, Hyatt Regency, Third Floor
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 9:50 AM and 10:20 AM - 11:40 AM Mountain Time

Session I

link to session

Order Presenter(s) Title
1 Joseph Holler Introduction
2 Jason Tullis Provenance as a prerequisite for reproducibility and replicability in GIScience
3 Somayeh Dodge Reproducibility and Open Science in Movement Research
4 Peter Kedron Insights from Two Surveys on the Reproducibility and Replicability of Geographic Research
5 Participants Q&A Discussion

Session II

link to session

Order Presenter(s) Title
1 Peter Kedron Introduction
2 Wendy Guan Workflow based tools for integrated spatiotemporal research
3 Joseph Holler Framework and Infrastructure for Reproducible Research and Pedagogy in HEGS
4 Sarah Bardin Moving Beyond Computation: Reproducing Geographical Analyses of COVID-19 to Assess and Improve the Validity of Research
5 Junyi Zhou, Drew An-Pham, Derrick Burt, Joseph Holler Middlebury College Undergraduate Students Reproduce Three Spatial Analysis Studies in Health and Hazards
6 Eric Delmelle Discussant

May 8 2023 Update

Slides for the AAG 2023 Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions are now available online through I-GUIDE.