
Fourth Spatial Data Science Symposium

Date: September 5, 2023
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 am EST
Location: Virtual

Expected Participation

We anticipate that this tutorial will be interesting and valuable for the following groups:

  • Graduate students interested in learning methods from the literature and either publishing reproduction or replication reports or extending prior research in their own master’s theses or PhD dissertations.
  • Faculty and career researchers interested in adopting more open and reproducible research practices for their own original work, or simply crafting more competitive data management plans and working more efficiently and accurately.
  • Professors interested in teaching reproduction or replication studies in their courses or as part of their advising and mentoring
  • Graduate advisors and research mentors interested in training their research assistants / advisees on more reproducible practices
  • Journal editors interested in publishing reproduction or replication studies, or more thoroughly incorporating reproducibility into their review of original research


  • Funding Name: National Science Foundation Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
  • Funding Title: Transforming theory-building and STEM education through reproductions and replications in the geographical sciences
  • Award number: BCS-2049837