We have published a new preprint on OSF!

Kedron, Peter, Joseph Holler, and Sarah Bardin. 2023. “Reproducible Research Practices and Barriers to Reproducible Research in Geography: Insights from a Survey.” OSF Preprints. June 3. doi:10.31219/osf.io/nyrq9.

To our knowledge, this is the first systematic survey of geographic researchers with the purpose of assessing reproducible research practices, barriers to reproducibility, beliefs about and understanding of reproducibility, and experience conducting reproductions in the discipline. The paper places the finger on the pulse of current research practices in geography. While many of the results amount to confirming what we already suspected with data, we were also surprised at the breadth of support for some form of reproducibility across the subfields and methodological approaches of geography and the diversity of interpretations of what “reproducibility” means.

Following reproducible research practices ourselves, we pre-registered an analysis plan prior to collecting data, and we have published a research compendium of our data and code.

We presented some of this work at the AAG in Denver, with more to come at the Spatiotemporal Data Science Symposium at Harvard.