Yifei Luo joins our project for a summer 2023 research assistantship as a rising senior at Middlebury College with major in Computer Science. Yifei will be working on improving the computational reproducibility of our research compendia by creating reproducible computational environments. Previously, Yifei has applied his computer science skills to other interdisciplinary research projects across our liberal arts campus, including shiny apps for a catalogue of Dutch Textiles for Professor Carrie Anderson: map view and attribute view and an analysis of voter suppression.

Yifei made major contributions to the HEGSRR project this summer by researching and implementing procedures and instructions to document and reproduce a computational environment for geographical research and developing an interactive Shiny App of our reproducibility survey results. His contributions to the project appear in the HEGSRR Template and Manual, the presentation directory of the Reproducibility Survey, the Reproducibility Survey Shiny App, and the Replicability Survey Shiny App

You can find some of Yifei’s own work on GitHub.