Liam Smith joins our project for a summer 2023 research assistantship as a rising senior at Middlebury College with double majors in Geography and Mathematics. To begin the summer, he completed a new reproduction study of Spielman et al.’s (2020) “Evaluating social vulnerability indicators: Criteria and their application to the Social Vulnerability Index” in Natural Hazards (DOI:10.1007/s11069-019-03820-z) and drafted a preregistration analysis plan to extend Spielman et al.’s analysis across time. You can find Liam’s work in our OSF Project and registered reproduction study report. Notably, this is the first study we have completed using the new HEGSRR-Template for reproducible research in geography.

I look forward to working with Liam in Fall 2023 to support the Open GIScience course, especially as they learn from his reproduction study and attempt our drafted analysis plan!

Liam’s prior work for GEOG 0323 is at, where you’ll find his project reproducing a geographically weighted regression of pediatric hospital admissions for dental extractions in England. Follow Liam on LinkedIn.