A Google Drive collaborative space for the workshop is available to participants only here.
As the date approaches, participants will be asked to fill a form for meal preferences.
Participants should bring a laptop or tablet for collaborative writing, enthusiasm, and comfortable walking / light hiking shoes. The welcome dinner is in a more formal venue while the remainder of the workshop is in comfortable venues.

R&R in the Classroom Session

We ask participants to select a syllabus, lesson, workshop, or similar pedagogical material related to reproducibility and/or replicability for peer discussion and review in breakout groups. For some participants, this may be a course or lesson in which you’d like to add or improve R&R components in teh future. For other participants, this may be best practices and approaches you’d like to share with the group. Participants in the workshop may upload the material to this google drive folder.

R&R in the Curriculum

For this session, participants should be familiar with the requirements and course descriptions for the majors and minors they are most closely affiliated with. In breakout groups, we will share and discuss ways to best integrate R&R into curricula at multiple levels.

R&R in the Liberal Arts College

For this session, participants should be familiar with the institutional context for R&R at their college, including:

  • Mission and strategic goals
  • Distribution / general education requirements
  • Cross-curricular or interdisciplinary programs and support, e.g. Middlebury’s midd.data program funds projects, supports interdisciplinary data science courses, and hosts research talks.

In breakout groups, we will share and discuss ways to align reproducibility and replicability with the liberal arts mission and to support R&R within liberal arts colleges.